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Stay at a House With a Lake View

A calm life is a key to getting away from existing stress, eliminating negative thoughts, accepting the consequences for every action, finding solutions, and living these solutions. We choose to work for our loved ones, and of course, we think of a solution how after being tired of work, we can enjoy a quiet environment. This is where Daisan is here for a solution, presenting a calm residence, not only a calm environment but also a soothing view. Imagine, around 4,950 m2 of this residence is allocated for parks and lakes that can provide tranquility in harmony with the green harmony of the environment. Each cluster in Daisan is designed close to a zen-capable lake, to replenish lost energies during your busy day of work, unwind on weekends with loved ones, and be ready to return to work at the beginning of the week. Interesting? Read more

Desain Rumah Model Jepang di Daisan

Anda merupakan pecinta rumah bergaya Jepang modern? Berikut inspirasi desain yang sangat menarik. Tak hanya menerapkan gaya desain rumah Jepang secara general, namun hunian ini mengemas detail-detail yang membuat rumah terasa semakin hidup dan nyaman untuk ditempati. Desain rumah Jepang selalu mendapat tempat di hati banyak orang karena bentuknya yang unik, minimalis dan senantiasa menghadirkan kesan lapang juga cahaya alami. Desain tradisionalnya juga sangat mudah untuk diaplikasikan atau digabungkan dengan gaya desain modern dan kontemporer. Kamu tidak perlu lagi jauh-jauh ke Jepang untuk melihat inspirasi rumah tradisional dan modern ala negeri sakura ini. Kamu sudah menemukan semuanya dalam satu tempat, dan kamu berkesempatan untuk memiliki salah satu unitnya dengan menghubungi marketing gallery Daisan atau datang langsung ke Demozone. Sumber:

Spot Foto Prewedding di Daisan

Sebuah kawasan yang mewakili sebagian lingkungan proyek pembangunan rumah yang terinspirasi dari kebudayaan Jepang. Anda bisa melakukan photoshoot dan photo session di unit-unit atau sekitar lingkungan area ini. Spot foto prewedding yang kami rekomendasikan di Daisan Karena dibangun dengan konsep Jepang, hampir semua spot akan kami rekomendasikan bagi Anda. Karena dengan begitu Anda bisa leluasa untuk mengangkat konsep foto prewedding, namun jika boleh, maka kami akan merekomendasikan tempat-tempat ini sebagai tempat andalan spot foto pranikah Anda. Selain karena unik, di lokasi-lokasi ini sangat instagramable dan share-able untuk dibagikan ke lini masa sosial media. Tempat-tempat tersebut antara lain: Main Gate atau Pintu Utama Perumahan Daisan, Living Room The Courtyard, Area taman/Facade Cluster Fuji, Area Taman The Villa dan The Flexible, Flower Garden The Lakehome. Deskripsi lengkapnya, kamu dapat baca di

Living in Harmony

Some people have a misconception that once they have re-arranged their house following the ancient science of construction, "miracles" are supposed to surface the next day. They should be aware that for change to take place, it requires discipline and commitment. And this must be done consistently to achieve the desired results. One major concern in most homes is the matter of maintaining a harmonious relationship among those who occupy the space. Ups and downs in relationships are not an unusual occurrence in any home owing to the effects of moods and emotions that influence us daily. What is vital is doing some significant activity together as a couple or family so that it provides opportunities for grounding and bonding. Interesting to find more? visit

Right Plant For House

Ultimately, finding the right house is a lot like falling in love. For many people, you simply know when you’ve found the right one. From the moment you see the property, you’ll be dying to get inside, and every new room will create an even deeper love affair. Even if the house isn’t perfect, the home that’s right for you won’t put you off because you don’t like the paint colour, or you know the kitchen needs a refresh. Just make sure that you don’t let your heart rule your head too much, or you could end up spending more money than you realistically have. With so much pressure riding on the right choice, it’s no wonder that so many buyers end up biting their nails over whether a purchase is right for them or not. Move too quickly, and you risk wasting all your budget on a home that’s just not right for you. Sit on the fence for too long, and you could lose your chance of getting the property of your dreams. Want to see more? Visit